Outline Lecture 2: The Learning Problems Learning with Different Output Space Learning with Different Data Label Learning with Different Protocol ...
前言 本筆記來自台大林軒田老師的CSIE5043 Machine Learning 2021FALL課程,於此做一個學習記錄。 What is Machine Learning skill: improve some performance measure(e.g. prediction a...
Goal: We want features that characterize the structure of an entire graph Background: Kernel Methods Idea: Design kernels instead of feature vectors....
Link-level Prediction: predict new links based on existing links. The key is to design features for a pair of nodes. > Two formulations of the L...
Motivation We wanna be able to create additional features that will describe how this particular node is positioned in the rest of the network, and what...
Components of a Network(graph) Object: nodes,vertices Interactions: links,edges System: network,graph Types of graph 有向圖與無向圖的選擇: ...
Different tasks of GraphML Node classification: Predict a property of a node.(e.g. Categorize online users) Link prediction: Predict whether there are ...
Why Graph? Graph體現了entities(nodes)之間的聯繫,這些聯繫構成一個network。許多的數據都可以自然的用graph來建模表示,例如計算機網路、疾病傳染路徑、社交網路等。即graph有廣泛的應用空間。 課程討論的主要問題: How do we take advantag...
貢獻 幾位研究者提出了GRAPHEDM(Graph Encoder Decoder Model)模型,將semi-supervised learning(e.g. GraphSage,GCN,GAT)與unsupervised learning of graph representations(e.g. D...
Def of Eigenvalue and Eigenvector: Let be a n-by-n matrix. A scalar is called an eigenvalue of if there exist a nonzero vector such that The vector ...