ML笔记:(二) The Learning Problems

Outline Lecture 2: The Learning Problems Learning with Different Output Space Learning with Different Data Label Learning with Different Protocol ...

ML笔记:(一) Basics of Machine Learning

前言 本筆記來自台大林軒田老師的CSIE5043 Machine Learning 2021FALL課程,於此做一個學習記錄。 What is Machine Learning skill: improve some performance measure(e.g. prediction a...

MLG笔记:(六) Traditional feature-based methods: Graph-level features

Goal: We want features that characterize the structure of an entire graph Background: Kernel Methods Idea: Design kernels instead of feature vectors....

MLG笔记:(五) Traditional feature-based methods: Link-level features

Link-level Prediction: predict new links based on existing links. The key is to design features for a pair of nodes. > Two formulations of the L...

MLG笔记:(四) Traditional feature-based methods: Node-level features

Motivation We wanna be able to create additional features that will describe how this particular node is positioned in the rest of the network, and what...

MLG笔记:(三) Choice of Graph Representation

Components of a Network(graph) Object: nodes,vertices   Interactions: links,edges   System: network,graph   Types of graph 有向圖與無向圖的選擇: ...

MLG笔记:(二) Applications of Graph ML

Different tasks of GraphML Node classification: Predict a property of a node.(e.g. Categorize online users) Link prediction: Predict whether there are ...

MLG笔记:(一) Motivation for Graph ML

Why Graph? Graph體現了entities(nodes)之間的聯繫,這些聯繫構成一個network。許多的數據都可以自然的用graph來建模表示,例如計算機網路、疾病傳染路徑、社交網路等。即graph有廣泛的應用空間。 課程討論的主要問題: How do we take advantag...

論文:Machine Learning on Graphs: A Model and Comprehensive Taxonomy

貢獻 幾位研究者提出了GRAPHEDM(Graph Encoder Decoder Model)模型,將semi-supervised learning(e.g. GraphSage,GCN,GAT)與unsupervised learning of graph representations(e.g. D...

LA筆記:(二十) Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and Diagonalization

Def of Eigenvalue and Eigenvector: Let be a n-by-n matrix. A scalar is called an eigenvalue of if there exist a nonzero vector such that The vector ...