Link-level Prediction: predict new links based on existing links.
The key is to design features for a pair of nodes. >
Two formulations of the Link prediction task
- links missing at random
Remove a random set of links and then aim to prediction them.
- links over time(隨著時間來預測)
a graph on edges up to time , output a ranked list of links(not in ) that are predicted to appear in 當我們有一個隨時間變化的graph時(如Citation network等),我們使用
來預測 的Link情況。 評估的方式即用預測將出現的link和實際出現的link情況對比。
Link Prediction via Proximity
- For each pair of nodes
compute score ,例如用 的共同鄰居節點數來計算score - Sort pairs
by the decreasing score - Predict top
pairs as new link - See which of these links actually appear in
Link-Level Features
Distance-based feature
Shortest-path distance(SPD) between two nodes
Local neighborhood overlap
Captures Num of neighboring nodes shared between two nodes
and 表示 的所有鄰居節點集合。 Jaccard's coefficient是共同鄰居節點數相對於兩者共同degree的平均標準化,否則高degree的node之間的link strength將顯然更強。
AA賦予了低degree的common neighboring nodes更高的權重,通過取對數後再取倒數的模式。
Global neighborhood overlap
Local neighborhood overlap的缺點在於距離兩步以上的兩個節點沒有common neighbor那麼其衡量標準得到的結果都將為0,但我們不能說這兩個節點之間的link strength為0。因此我們需要定義Global neighborhood overlap。
Katz index: count the num of paths of all lengths between a given pair of nodes. 統計兩節點間的所有path數,不論其長度。這個index可以使用鄰接矩陣的power計算得到,如下: