
We wanna be able to create additional features that will describe how this particular node is positioned in the rest of the network, and what is its local network structure and these additional features that describe the topology of the network of the graph will allow us to make more accurate predictions.

SO this means that we will always be thinking about two types of features. Structural features, as well as features describing the attributes and properties of the nodes.

Traditional ML Pipeline

首先,我們將nodes乃至整個graph使用特征向量來表達。接著訓練一個傳統的ML模型,例如SVM、neural network等。這樣該模型就能完成未來的預測任務。

Node Features

傳統ML使用的是hand-designed feature(手動設計的特征)

  • Node degree


  • Node centrality(中心度)

節點中心度表達了某節點在graph中的重要性。可供選擇的中心度表達方式有: Eigenvector centrality/Betweenness centrality/Closeness centrality等

Eigenvector centrality

A node is important if surrounded by important neighboring node


Betweenness centrality

A node is important if it lies on many many shortest path between other nodes.


Closeness centrality

A node is important if it has small shortest path length to all other nodes.


  • Clustering coefficient

Measuers how connected 's neighboring nodes are:


  • Graphlets

Observation: Clustering coefficient count the triangles in the ego-network.


Graphlets: Rooted connected non-isomorphic(非同構) subgraph

Graphlets are small subgraphs that describe the structure of node 's network neighborhood.

Graph Isomorphism: Two graphs which contain the same number of nodes connected in the same way are said to be isomorphic. 節點之間相互關係完全相同的兩個圖同構,即可以通過簡單的畫法調整得到彼此。

Graph Degree Vector(GDV): Graphlet-base features for nodes. GDV counts graphlets that a node touch. GDV表示某node參與的Graphlet數。

