Why Graph?
How do we take advantage of relational structure for better prediction? 如何利用graph來做更好的預測?
How can we develop neural networks that are much more broadly applicable? 如何將神經網路和graph結合以處理複雜的數據結構?
Modern ML Toolbox
Graph representation learning
Representation learning is to map nodes of a graph to a d-dimensional embedding, to d-dimensional vector.
Various topics in ML and Representation learning for graph:
- Traditional methods: Graphlets, Graph Kernels
- Methods for node embeddings: Deepwalk, Node2Vec
- Graph Neural Network: GCN, GraphSAGE,GAT,Theory of GNNs
- Knowledge graphs and reasoning: TransE, BetaE
- Applications to Biomedicine Science Industry
- StandFord CS224W http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224w/