System of Linear Equations
Def of equation:
A mathematical sentence with an equal sign (=) to indicate that two expressions name the same number
x^3 + y^3 = 9 , 3x + 2y = 0, sinx + 2y = 0
Def of linear equation:
A linear equation in the n variable x1,x2,x3....,xn is defined to be one that can be expressed in the form a1x1+a2x2+a3x3+....+anxn = b, where a1,a2,...,an and b are constant.
x - y + 3Z = 1
a1x1+a2x2+.....+anxn is called a homogeneous linear equation if b=0,otherwise,it's called nonhomogeneous. 常數項為0的線性方程稱為齊次線性方程,反之為非齊次。
A finite set of linear equations is called a system of linear equations or a linear system. The variables are called unknows. 有限的線性方程集合稱為線性方程組,其中變數稱為unknow。
- general form
- matrix eqution
where A is called the coefficient matrix(係數矩陣), X is called the solution vector, b is called the constant vector.
Def of Augmented matrix(增廣矩陣) of the linear system:
當僅僅constant vecotr(b)不同時,可以簡單的表示幾個增廣矩陣為:
AX=b, with b=b1,b2,b3 表示為:[A|b1|b2|b3] ->(ERO) [A'|b1'|b2'|b3']
Gauss–Jordan elimination(高斯約當消去法)
由高斯消去法(forward pass)得到REF,再經由約旦的方法(backward pass)消去leading1所在column得到RREF,由RREF即可得到general solution.
Types of Elementary row operations:
- row交換操作:矩陣中互換兩個row位置
- row乘法操作:矩陣某一row中每一個元素同時乘以某非0常數
- row加法操作:矩陣中某一row可被本row和其他row的倍數和替代
Elementary row operations合理性驗證:
- 交換操作:互相兩row條件之間為and關係,而and關係滿足交換律,故可以交換
- 乘法操作:元素同時擴大不影響解集(Solution set k = solution set k'),而當同乘0時原線性方程組的解集將變化(Solution set k != solution set k')
- 加法操作:即帶入消元法應用
Gaussian elimination, also known as row reduction, is an algorithm in linear algebra for solving a system of linear equations.
Def of Row echelon form(階梯型矩陣):
- Any row consisting entirely of zeros occurs at the bottom of the matrix.全是0的row置於底部
- For each row that does not contain entirely zeros, the first non-zero entry is 1 (called a leading 1).每一個非全0row的第一個非0項是1,這個項叫做leading 1
- For two successive (non-zero) rows, the leading 1 in the higher row is further left than the leading one in the lower row. 對於兩個連續的非全0row,上邊row的leading 1較下邊row於更左邊。
some facts of about REF: * REF of A are not unique * RREF of A is unique * The leading 1 always occur in the same positions in A, those are called the pivot(樞紐) position of A. * Pivot column: a column of A that has leading 1 * Pivot row: a row of A that has leading 1 * A nonzero entry in a pivot position of A is called a pivot of A
例子: Find (1)pivot rows (2)pivot columns (3)pivots of A where:
所以: (1):pivot rows:1,2,3 (2):pivot columns:1,3,5 (3):pivots of A: -10,-5
Def of Reduced row echelon form >* 滿足REF的定義 >* each column that contains a leading 1 has zeros everywhere else in this column. 含有leading 1的column其餘項皆為0
Steps for Gauss-Jordan Elimination:
- Swap the rows so that all rows with all zero entries are on the bottom. 將全是0的row置於底部
- Swap the rows so that the row with the largest, leftmost nonzero entry is on top. 將左端第一個非0項最大的row置於頂部
- Multiply the top row by a scalar so that top row's leading entry becomes 1. 將最頂端row乘以某數(純量)使其獲得leading 1.
- Add/subtract multiples of the top row to the other rows so that all other entries in the column containing the top row's leading entry are all zero. 使用ERO中的加法操作使得頂端row的leading1所在column其他全為0
- Repeat steps 2-4 for the next leftmost nonzero entry until all the leading entries are 1. 重複步驟2-4直到得到所有leading1
- Swap the rows so that the leading entry of each nonzero row is to the right of the leading entry of the row above it.交換row位置使得上邊row的leading位置均在下邊row左邊
Def of a solution of a linear system: > A solution of a linear system in n knowns x1,x2,...,xn is a sequence of n numbers s1,s2,...,sn such that each equation is satisfied when we substitute x1 = s1, x2 = s2,..., xn = sn.
Def of set of all solutions of a linear system: > The set of all solution of a linear system is called its solution set or the general solution.
- solution vector
- A linear system is consistent(相容的) if it has at least one solution and inconsistent if it has no solution.
every system of linear equations has either no solutions, exactly one solution, or infinitely many solutions. 線性系統要麽沒解,要麽有唯一解,要麽由無窮多解。
suppose that the linear system AX=b has finite solutions, say x1,x2 are two distinct solution of AX=b. i.e. A * x1 = b, A * x2 = b then let X = x1 + k(x2-x1),k is a scalar
=> A * X = A * (x1+k(x2-x1)) = Ax1 + k(Ax2-Ax1) = b + k(b-b) = b
i.e. X = x1 + k(x2-x1),k∈R is the solution of the AX=b.It fellows that the linear system AX=b has infinitely many solution.
假設有兩個相異解->有這兩解構造某含參數解->得到結論(兩個相異解會產生無窮多組解)-> 綫性系統不會有大於一個有窮解
Homogeneous(齊次) linear system
形如: AX=0
- X=0 is the trivial solution of AX=0 and hence AX=0 is consistent
- AX=0 has exactly one solution or infinitely many solution
Theorem: > if a homogeneous linear system has n unknowns, and if the reduced row echelon form of its augmented matrix has r nonzero rows,r<=n,then the linear system has n-r free variables.
proof of this theorem:
The reduced row echelon form of its augmented matrix has r nonzero rows -> it fellows that the homogeneous linear system has r leading1's variable
also number of leading1's variables + number of free variables = n -> number of free variables = n - number of leading 1's variables = n - r
注意: * 某矩陣的RREF最後一row全為0並不能代表該系統一定有無窮多組解。因為原矩陣可能equation數大於unknown數,即原矩陣中可能有冗餘的條件。
- wikipedia
- https://www.statlect.com/matrix-algebra/augmented-matrix
- https://online.stat.psu.edu/statprogram/reviews/matrix-algebra/gauss-jordan-elimination